Logan Rose
Reader, Writer, Language Enthusiast
Hello, and welcome to my website. I'm so glad you're here!
My name is Logan Rose. I am a published short story writer and an aspiring novelist living and working in Heidelberg, Germany. When I'm not reading or writing, I like to help people with their English and creative work. I'd love to help you, too!

Where I'm From
Thanks for wanting to learn more about me! I'm originally from Flagstaff, Arizona, but I moved to Los Angeles to attend the University of Southern California and pursue a career in film and television. Along the way, I realized my love of language was what drove my love of storytelling, and I started writing -- a lot. I also discovered my passion for helping others, whether I'm giving another writer feedback or teaching children the lyrics of their favorite song in English. In March of 2023, I moved to Heidelberg, Germany to start a life with my husband, Sam, and our cat, Rizzo. The relaxed pace of life and storybook landscape allow me plenty of time, space, and inspiration to do what I love most -- immerse myself in language and enhance the lives of those around me.
What I Do
Primarily, I'm writer. I've been writing in some form or another for as long as I can remember. Right now, I'm focused on prose. I published my first short story, "Cat Eyes," in Dream Noir magazine in 2022, I spent early 2023 as an Artist-in-Residence at Château d'Orquevaux, and I'm working on getting my work out there and my debut novel published. Stay tuned and wish me luck!
I'm also what's called a "reader." In addition to reading for pleasure (which I love to do), I help others with their creative projects. I like to be called a reader rather than an editor because my job is to read what you have to say and help you say it -- not change your words or the intention behind them. That being said, I edit all kinds of projects for spelling, grammar, and clarity, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you need help with your artist's statement, business plan, academic paper, or really anything else.
Finally, I'm a teacher. I am TEFL-certified and have experience working with children and adults inside and outside of the classroom. I enjoy crafting custom English-language adventures for young learners and I have a 100% success rate helping students prepare for English proficiency exams. As a language-learner myself (studying German now), I am happy to help anyone of any age improve their skill and confidence using English.